As a room of dance/movement therapists, many of us were accustomed to seeing clients in a clinical setting with the hope of meeting clients where they are in dance and movement, and supporting them in moving toward their goals without owning the outcome. Deo’s work in the community very much parallels ours, and his emphasis on being open and transparent about shifts in leaders’ ideas about the creative process allowed space for participants to consider ways to increase collaboration and creativity in the therapeutic process, as well as ways to expand the work beyond the walls of the therapy setting. Deo’s presentation was a wonderful reminder of the importance of working from an embodied relationship with self as well as the infinite possibilities available when we lean into creativity and move in embodied relationships with the people we serve.-Leah Brett, LMHC, BC-DMT
— Leah Mauren, Former President of the New England Association of Dance Therapist

Deo’s Presentation On Movement and Reflective Pedagogies

Deo’s Performance and Movement Reel

Performer, Choreographer, Storyteller,

Deo has been dancing and performing all his life. He started teaching students of different backgrounds and learning abilities when he was still in high school. One of his most impressive accolades was choreographing and performing for a special on Dancing with the Stars on ABC, which included his brothers and the show’s professional dancers.


Deo Co-Choreographed the number with Kim Johnson, professional dancer in the show at the time.

Teaching Hip-HOp

Deo and his students from Phillips Exeter Academy and his dance company members

Deo has been the first to teach fully-accredited hip-hop courses at Southern New Hampshire University and the prestigious Phillips Exeter Academy. Students find his courses to be very engaging and some have complimented him on his teaching ability and how attentive he is in establishing a safe space where students can be themselves and express themselves emotionally and physically.


Deo sharing his story at GCIR Bi-annual Event

His unique work as a storyteller has been acknowledged nationally and globally. He started telling his life story (from the time his was 11) – of surviving his father’s assassination, his family’s narrow escape from a war-torn country and their roundabout journey to America, and his success in his adopted country as a husband, father and professional. After he resettled in the US and joined the Joshua Generation, part of an organization called Youth With A Mission (YWAM) doing community outreach all over the country. At an early age, Deo saw how positively his story impacted people, so he  continued to tell it wherever he was invited. His story has landed him to present for TEDx, The Moth, NHPR, the Politic and Prose speaker series and many different colleges, K-12 schools, businesses and churches. 


Deo teaching dance to some students in a park in Jamaica Queens, NYC.

Deo’s unique experiences as a performer, choreographer and storyteller differentiate his work from other performer and choreographer. He is a versatile choreographer and dancer who dances various styles of dance and music. He has been studying dance for over 20 years in the styles of fusion jazz, street jazz, African dance and variety of hip hop styles. He has conducted dance workshops all over the U.S. He understands the triggers that evoke interest and participation from his audiences by igniting their inner will.

Recent Work

Deo Mwano responds to the art of Didier William. A collaboration with Southern New Hampshire University,The McIninch Art Gallery


Contact Deo through his website or email him directly at Deo is ready to work with you in order to find the best way to move your goals and mission forward. He is flexible and considerate in his pricing in order to make the collaborative engagement happen.